Big iceberg in fjord of Aasiaat, Greenland.

  • Become a Member

    Become a Member As a member of Transparency International Greenland, you will be supporting the struggle to prevent corruption taking root in the Greenlandic society. National legislation is designed to ensure that all citizens in a society have the same rights. Corruption implies that in one way or another, some individuals, organisations and businesses are able to… »

  • Home

    What is Transparency International Greenland? Transparency International Greenland is an organisation working to prevent corruption in Greenland, in co-operation with the international organisation Transparency International. The organisation fights corruption by working to ensure that the decisions taken by the public administration and companies in the business world are transparent to individual organisations, companies and citizens,… »

  • About us

    About us The Board The board of Transparency International Greenland consists of five persons appointed by the members. A board member represents no one else but him or herself and is only bounded by his or her own stances. Board members are appointed for a period of two years. Therefore, the board of Transparency, year… »

  • TI Globally

    Transparency International is an international organisation that works to combat corruption, mainly through education and information. Since its inception in 1993, the organisation has established itself as one of the leading forces in the fight against corruption. Transparency International has two major spheres of action: As part of its efforts in these areas, Transparency International… »

  • TI Greenland

    Purpose and statutes Object Transparency International Greenland is an organisation working to prevent corruption in Greenland, in co-operation with the international organisation Transparency International. Transparency International Greenland was in 2015 accrediated as a National Chapter under Transparency International. The organisation fights corruption by working to ensure that the decisions taken by the public administration and companies in… »